Wednesday, April 13, 2011

After the Storm

seeds and cow pics 038A sweet gift, from a kind friend with a greenhouse…
Yummy lettuce growing on my deck.

Last week was a bit much, really. Between the sadness of a funeral, a bout with the stomach flu, the crashed closet, poor little Sarah getting her first black eye (due to being hit by a flying My Little Pony, and no, I don’t know why it was thrown in the first place), and the cow getting stuck in the doghouse, we’ve just been taking it easy for the past few days.

Thankfully, that week is over.

We are recovering.

My closet has been repaired, and my sweet, handsome honey even added a bunch of new shelves.

Sarah’s eye is healing nicely and may even lose it’s bruising in time for her birthday party this weekend.

The cow is well and has given us such a funny story to share.

My clothes line sags heavily with blue jeans and blankets.

My kitchen has regained it’s shiny sink, which was thoroughly lost during the past week.

My floors are still sticky, but there is some hope that I’ll find time to mop them today.

My children have slept soundly and napped well, leaving them much more agreeable.

A good friend sent me a card in the mail, knowing that I needed that type of encouragement.

The sun is shining and my curtains are fluttering in my open windows.

Despite the storm that raged here last week, life is good. Very good.


  1. I am glad to here things have calmed down for your family... Better days ahead :)
    ps: I am sooo glad you shared the cow story it made my day

  2. Glad things are looking on the up side. It's been a tough school week here, but is looking up today, too.

  3. I had the same kind of week last week. Happy to report, this week is 100% better!


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