Wednesday, October 12, 2011


It’s a little early, but my mind is on Thanksgiving.

Specifically, the baskets our church will put together and deliver.

I’m making the rough draft of the shopping list tonight.

And I keep getting stuck.

I want to help people, I just don’t know if a cardboard box full of potatoes is enough.

So many people are struggling. I want to help them shoulder their burden. But their burden is being shouldered for me.

The government has so many programs to help. How is the box I pack going to make a significant difference in their life?

I’m afraid it won’t.

People need more than food.

They need us to care. They need us to love.

God has blessed us richly in the ways that matter. His love… The love of His people…

So how do we put that in a Thanksgiving Basket?

I want it to be more than just food for their bellies.

So, I added this list to the bottom of our Thanksgiving Basket shopping list.

~A pretty tablecloth… A nice candle or two… A pumpkin…
A football… A few fun things for the kids… A great magazine…
A pretty serving bowl… A favorite cookbook…
Homemade bread… A jar of preserves…
Copies of your favorite recipes with you favorite
Bible verse and loving words printed on the back…
Fresh fall flowers…


Still, it just doesn’t seem enough.

Is there a worthy sacrifice I can make? How can I make them feel God’s LOVE?

Any suggestions? I sure could use your help.


  1. i think that sounds perfect. sometimes the small things matter most

  2. Also remember that the government has cut a lot programs for the poor over the last few years, so it could be that a gift basket near Thanksgiving would be a wonderful treat for those people. Might mean a lot to be able to serve a nice meal to their family at Thanksgiving. I know how much it means to me when I make a good meal for my family, it gives me a feeling of satisfaction and happiness. It might help make it a more memorable Thanksgiving. One where they had enough food to eat. Didn't have to worry about their food budget. I just don't think people always realize that little things can indeed make a big difference.


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