Monday, August 15, 2011

Class Photos, 2011

Our first day back to school….

class photo

I set my alarm this morning. Can I just say… I’m not a morning person.

But with the help of my prodding handsome husband, I managed to open my eyes and crawl from the nice warm blankets. It wasn’t easy…

Once I was up and had a cup of coffee, it didn’t seem so bad.

I blasted the Jimmy Buffett and got the kids motivated. I’d like to think it was my reminders that today was the long-awaited first day back to school that got them going, but… In all likelihood, it was the four bowls of (don’t tell anyone) Lucky Charms that graced the kitchen table. Um. About that… I know when I’m beat. Sausage and eggs, getting up early, and managing our first day back to school… all in one day… So, Lucky Charms it is. A rare treat in our house, the two little ones ate the marshmallows and left the cereal. Healthy. Yup. That is what I was going for.

Morning jobs of getting ready for the day and a few household chores done, and we headed downstairs at 9:00  for school. I took pictures like any proud momma. Just never-you-mind the fact that my kids don’t wear shoes to school. Come to think of it, I don’t wear shoes either.

We got started on the day with a prayer and the pledge, attendance, calendar time, and a story. The kids did their seatwork and stopped for a snack. Not too different from a regular school day, only it doesn’t take as long when you only have 3 students. Sarah finished her school day by 10:00, Daniel by 11:00, and Mary by 12:00. Now, they play and I relax in front of my computer screen sharing with my friends. I should be doing laundry and mopping the kitchen floor, but a girl has to have a break.

I’m the momma. I’m the teacher. I’m the lunch-lady and the janitor. I’m the principal, I’m the hall monitor. I’m also the pre-school/childcare worker. So, yes, I do deserve to sit a spell and share with my friends. The laundry pile will still be there. Heck, it might even grow.

It’s real life in a homeschooling family. It’s hard. It’s wonderful. It’s different. It’s giving our kids the best we have to offer.

It’s love.


Hope your school day is as wonderful. Hope you’ll drop by and share how learning is going with you, here on the blog, this Saturday. See you then.


  1. When my kids came up with our school rules, #6 is: No shoes in school!!

  2. I make my kids get dressed (most days) and do their hair. But shoes are completely optional and rarely chosen. :D I'm not a morning person either.

  3. Wonderful thoughts... we don't "do" shoes either. :)


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