Thursday, April 14, 2011


The perfect use for an old soft drink bottle…

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Cut it in half, flip the top half upside down, inside the bottom half and fill with dirt.

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Add bean seeds, ‘cause they grow so fast!

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Don’t forget the water! Fill it up so the water is a bit above the part of the bottle where the cap would go and the soil will remain moist.

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Keep a record of your work and make predictions.

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Watch it grow and keep records in your learning journal.

This picture was taken 7 days after planting.

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Don’t be afraid to pull up a plant for closer examination.

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Learn to label what you see.

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This is how we are learning.


  1. What a cool way to watch plants grow!!! Not to mention recycling old bottles! Thanks for sharing this, we will have to do it!!

  2. This is just awesome! We put our bean seeds in a bag with a wet paper towel and they molded and didn't sprout. This looks like a much better idea! I love gardening and introducing my son to the joys of exploring nature. Thanks for sharing all these details with your pictures.

  3. Fantastic, authentic learning in action. I LOVE IT :)


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