Monday, March 28, 2011

Playing Hooky

rock pile 082

We skipped school today.

Not a single math paper or reading assignment was done.

Not a crayon was touched.

I didn’t even drill math facts in the car on the way to the store.

Totally truant.

We’ll just call it a mental health day, or an “everyone is way too tired and at each other’s throats to arm anyone with pencils, scissors, or glue sticks” day.

You ever have those kinds of days?

My littles were too pooped to produce great school work. I was too tired to find an ounce of patience. My house was too dirty to be ignored any longer. A week that includes two nights of car shopping, one late night watching Star Wars, and one long road trip will do that to a family with 4 littles.

Sometimes, we just need a catch-up day.

Catch-up days are one of the perks of homeschooling. Kind of like a snow day without the snow.

I do track our attendance and we expect to finish our school year in mid May. I’m not sure which day, and I’m totally okay with that. I like flexibility. It’s a must when home-schooling in a household that includes toddlers and pre-school aged children.

So, to my other home-school friends out there….

Do you take catch up days from time to time? How often do these free days come and under what circumstances do you choose to call off school for the day? Do you feel guilty when you miss a day? Looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. You and I are living parallel lives currently. We bought our new car a month ago though. But yes we have mental health days, lazy days, and STAR WARS days!!!! We take days off whenever we need to. Sometimes we even take a whole week off at at time. If it is just one day, I try to make it up on the weekend.
    Today we only had a half day. We had a play date that was much more important. We will catch up this week. I am not worried about it. Flexibility is a perk of homeschooling.
    This post really made me smile. I love your blog!

  2. Yes, we do take occasional days off. If it's me that needs the day off then we take the whole day. If it is one of the kids, they may get some extra time to play and do school later. If it seems to be all the kids, sometimes we take off part or all of the day. Sometimes we just do the fun things like reading/storytime and art. At this stage in our homeschooling it is really easy to make up a day's worth of work, combining it with the next day and only add 20-40 minutes to our school day.

  3. Yes, we do!! In fact we pretty much did today :). Like you said it's one of the perks and we make it up the following day. On days where everyone and everything is out of whack and you wouldn't get anything accomplished anyways it's better to focus on getting everyone to get along and cleaning up the mess that surrounds you. Not that I'm ever surrounded by a mess or anything ;). We are sooooo much more productive after our "hooky" days!


Thank you so much for leaving me a comment. Comments make me so happy that I dance around the room! ;)